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©Arnaud Lombard
Big nature

National forest of Dreux


Clumps of giant trees, shady groves, ancient oaks, hornbeams and conifers: the Dreux forest is a firm favourite with walkers. Upon request, the Forestry Commission can organise guided tours for visitors of all ages.

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L'Etang de l'Isle
Big nature

L’Etang de l’Isle


This old lake is still home to typical wetland protected fauna and flora, in the heart of Senonches.

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Visite Pont Hoddé (1)
Big nature

Les Côteaux du Chemin Hoddé


Located along the Avre river, on the GR22 hiking trail connecting Paris and Mont-Saint-Michel. You can climb up the path leading to the Avre hill to admire the rolling landscape with the river flowing through, a beautiful natural space with meadows ...

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Les Marais
Big nature

Les Marais


Deep in the Valley of "Basse-Conie", the preserved natural marsh zone covers an area of humid habitats which are becoming ever more rare in France and Europe.

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La Butte Montmarthe
Big nature

La Butte Montmarthe


Acidic marshes are conducive to peat formation, produced by decomposing moss.

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Pique-nique sur les coteaux de Mézières-Ecluzelles (1)
Big nature

Coteaux Mézières-Ecluzelles-Charpont


Accessible via a small path, the Mézières-Ecluzelles-Charpont hillsides offers visitors incredible landscape views within an untouched natural environment. Set out to discover remarkable, unique flora and fauna between the lake, river and dry ...

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