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Ecole de paramoteurs
Sporting activities

Paramoteur School “Les Ailes d’Horus”


Our aerial sport allows the greatest number of people from 7 to 77 years old and over to discover the earth from the sky, in complete safety.

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Centre de vol à voile de Chartres
Sporting activities

Sailing – Centre de vol à voile de Chartres


Be carried by the winds above the vast plains of the area and see the world from high up: this is what the Chartres centre offers.

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VIABON Aérodrome (6)
Sporting activities



Experience a flight over La Beauce and its castles. Admire the unusual spectacle of the Beauce with all its wind turbines, from the sky.

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Espace Houville ULM
Sporting activities

Ultralight – Espace Houville ULM


Leave the comfort of dry land for a while and head towards the skies above! In the middle of the countryside, this is not an eco school nor a place to skip school, but a flying school. Maiden flight in a trikes or three-axis micro-light.

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Cercle Nautique de la Beauce
Sporting activities

Cercle Nautique de la Beauce


Enjoy sailing according to your whim! The Cercle Nautique de la Beauce proposes sailing by the day or half-day to discover the delights of sailing in a fun way. Sailing and canoeing by the hour.

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Sporting activities

ultralight – ULM Paris Ouest Evad’Air


Discover how a micro-light pilot feels when he/she takes off. Defy the law of gravity, fly over the castles of Maintenon and Anet and enjoy an overhead view of Chartres Cathedral.

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